Energy Conservation
Cost Reduction by the General Suggestion
Power inverter

Based on power being proportional to a cube of the number of revolutions by changing the number of revolution by load properties of a fan and the pump, we change number of revolutions by inverter, and the inverter control system is an energy saving system reducing useless power.
New electricity
In 2013, a revision of Electricity Enterprises Law that put a detached room in the field of vision forcomplete liberalization and shipment train of the electricity r etail was decided.
By electric utility deregulation, consumers became able to choo se the electric purchase.
We perform first impression duties of EREX Co.,Ltd (Tokyo Stock Exchange,Inc.)In a business area of Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated, Chubu Electric Power Company, Incorporated, The Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Kyushu Electric Power Company, Incorporated, I recommend the supply (electricity retail) of the electricity that is cheaper thana general electricity company for consumers of the special high pressure, high pressure such asgovernment offices or the private enterprise.